General Information

Ontario’s Conservation Authorities were formed under of the Conservation Authorities Act  to address natural resource issues such as deforestation, soil erosion, and flooding. The Conservation Authorities Act recognizes that natural resources are best managed on a watershed basis.

Crowe Valley Conservation Authority (CVCA) is committed to the protection of natural resources within the Crowe River valley and adjacent watersheds for everyone’s benefit. We believe that sound planning is a critical part of protecting the land and water resources across the region.

The CVCA strives to:

  • prevent the loss of life and property due to flooding and erosion
  • conserve and enhance natural resources

CVCA does this in two ways:

  1. We regulate development activities in environmentally sensitive areas such as wetlands, shorelines and waterways through Part VI of the Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 41/24 (Prohibited Activities Exemptions and Permits)
  2. We also work with municipalities to review development applications within or adjacent to natural and hazard areas to ensure they meet local and provincial environmental standards.

With these efforts the CVCA promotes safe and sustainable community development.

If you are planning a project, you may need a permit, approval under the Planning Act or both. If you are unsure what you need, please submit an inquiry using our Property Inquiry Service.

CVCA’s Watershed Planning and Regulations Policy Document (2020)

Considering the natural environment is an important part of land use planning.  When staff review individual applications for development made under the Planning Act, the CVCA looks to ensure that natural hazards will not be negatively affected by the proposed development. At the same time, we work to ensure that a completed development project will not itself be negatively impacted by natural hazards, including flooding.

CVCA staff provide written comments to municipalities on applications made under the Planning Act. These applications include:

  • official plans and zoning by-law amendments
  • plans of subdivision and condominium
  • site plan control
  • severances
  • minor variances

The CVCA requires a fee for this service in order to recover our costs. Be aware that a delay in paying this fee can delay finalizing your application.  The Fee Schedule for our Plan Review program can be found below.

Schedule A – Plan Review Fees

Ontario Regulation 41/24 Permits
The purpose of the Regulation is to protect public safety, property and the environment. This is accomplished by overseeing development in specific areas defined by the Regulation, referred to as Regulated Areas. Anyone looking to carry out a development activity in a Regulated Area requires permission from the Conservation Authority before undertaking any work.

If your project is in or near the following areas you may need a Permit: 

  • In the channel of a watercourse, in a lake, pond or wetland
  • Within 15m of the floodplain associated with the following watercourses and waterbodies:  Beaver Creek, Belmont Lake, Chandos Lake, Cordova Lake, Crowe Lake, Crowe River, Kasshabog Lake, Limerick Lake , Paudash Lake, Round Lake, St. Ola Lake , and Wollaston Lake
  • Within 30 m of the top of a bank of any watercourse or waterbody not listed above
  • Within 15m of the stable top of slope of an apparent (confined) river or stream valley
  • Within 15m of the meander belt of an unapparent (unconfined) river or stream valley
  • Within 30m of any wetland, including Provincially Significant Wetlands

Development activities requiring approval within Regulated Areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Construction, reconstruction or placing a building or structure of any kind
  • Any change to a building or structure that changes its use, increases its size or increases the number of dwelling units
  • Grading of the site
  • Temporary or permanent placing, dumping or removal of material originating on site or elsewhere
  • Alterations to any wetland, watercourse, bridge, culvert and other water-related infrastructure;
  • Channel and shoreline alterations;
  • All in-water works, such as permanent docks, boathouses, dredging, etc.

If you plan to carry out development activity in or near any of the areas listed above, please contact our office so that we can perform a more detailed assessment of permit requirements. We strongly recommend you involve the CVCA as early on as possible.

CVCA’s Permit Application Form

CVCA Fee Schedule – Permit Application Fees